brothers stash poe. Area restrictions. brothers stash poe

 Area restrictionsbrothers stash poe  Login with your method or platform of choice, and accept that PoeStack can access your: Account name and identifier

Melee combat in Path of Exile 3. 22 Best MF Builds - Top 5 Magic Find Builds with High DPS & Drop Rating. Black fridays aren't usually anything special in PoE. Effort0 • 1 yr. He absofuckinglutely loved when exalts dropped and we would always had a big "fight" about who would get more during the league so I knew it wanted to be an exalt related card. Hi! So generally more exalts are being produced becuase of all the divination cards that give exalts, brothers stash, scout, hoarder etc etc. I dont mean to revive a dead post here guys, but I've been MFing in T4 Cemetery like the OP wants and after 42maps alc+chiz+scarabs+ambush+240-260scourge -- I havent seen a single brother's stash. Simply Click the Connect POE Account in the top right of the site. The other two major Delirium sections are only good for chance to encounter Delirium and boosting how long. mcbuckets21 • 1 mo. Wait until one of the Super Stash Sales weekends (every 3 weeks) and buy a. That makes it 3 drops from 340 maps. Stash-View. 2007, Congressman Ted Poe from the Second Congressional District in Texas recognized the Ripkowski brothers in Congress. And yes, I am farming and using the game's only glowing sword. Tomorrow is the Balance Manifesto, the day that has Assassin and Necromancer players quavering in fear. Def 2nd best tab. See more posts like this in r/pathofexile. Fragments tab - 55 coins = 510 total. The community does a lot of great things as well, but none of that would be happening if PoE wasn't already a consistently very good game. That's really dumb. Add a Comment. now that divine orbs will be in much higher demand and the only way to produce them is from drops basicly. This is an UNOFFICIAL, authorized, Fan-operated subreddit. com 繼續為大家服務Siege Map. Still have nothing to do, but at least you can afk a hideout with a mirror. - Contains Apothecary, Enlightened, Seven Years Bad Luck, Innocent, and Lachrymal Necrosis. of us may remain after death. -. to Maximum Life. GGG Please improve the guild stash tab. Hello there. Interacting in trade in poe is such a chore and I hate it, which causes me to not play poe. Based on The Lunaris Temple Level 1 (Act 3). Sextants: 8 Mod Corrupted Maps, Enraged Strongbox, Additiona. Therefore, we needed a policy around item storage that's future-proofed. It's not insane at all -- using dump stash tabs has always been the fastest way to manage your loot. Filter the displayed data by a date range. 5x Exalted Orb: Manual: 7: Alluring Bounty Alluring Bounty 7 10x Exalted Orb A treasure worth killing for is a treasure worth dying for. it goes to standard as "remove-only" stash tab. If you have any further questions or concerns, you can contact us at. . D4 is brainless. 00 This is the minimum a player needs to play the game seriously-----(2) All of the. The stash is a large inventory, accessible by all characters the player has in the same league. Search › Brothers stashBrowse Public Discord Servers. . should be 9C, 2nd 6C, 3rd 3C. 傳奇單手. POE 3. Now that map stash is fixed. or 1 Brother’s Stash card for 5x Exalted Orbs can be well worth your while. that said I'm used that there are ppl making more vurrency in grp play then myself. So, if you want it in normal league which I assume which is what your other character is then die or something to put you in normal or "default" or w/e it is. Winged Divination Scarab. Div card tab is just 40 points. I dont mean to revive a dead post here guys, but I've been MFing in T4 Cemetery like the OP wants and after 42maps alc+chiz+scarabs+ambush+240-260scourge -- I havent seen a single brother's stash. Convicts from Oriath are exiled to the forsaken continent of Wraeclast . if you really need it, set all your stash tab to public and in the trade site, you can filter by account - so put in your account name and you basically have a whole stash search. even if it had enough tabs, i still dont want all my stuff anywhere other than in my own stash. I've never been in a guild myself though, so I can't tell whether this. I got brothers stash and nothing else. was opening them after my tujen and it would be like 400 cards or so. But if you use easily typeable characters you can use that to navigate to tabs quickly when the expandable window is open. You've been invited to join. ago. And It brought tears or my eyes. 18. pathofdumbasses. Passive /2. Spent like 7k lesser and commom, 5k greater and 500 grand black scythes. After I got about half of my favored maps it was cemetery for the rest of the league for brothers stash. In most cases their existing drop locations have not changed, and those cases have not been patch noted individually. Just simple stash tracking for a wealthy exile. Brothers stash has a lot of meaning to me, thank you!currency tab: 60p. Her reign. +gems in sockets. PoE 3. Drop level: 68. Just a wide map in general that has a chance to drop 5 exalt card. This article is about the variant of Siege Map from the most recent map series in which it appeared. Each stash tab is 12x12, for a total of 144 grid spaces. for. Even though he found the stash just in time, He would trade it all away and then some to have him back. See the image above for an example of this. For other variants, see § Map variants. Brother's Gift. When I google when the last sale was I can only find one on 06/25 which is almost 3 months ago but allegedly they go on sale once every 3 weeks or so. With the 200 points, I recommend Currency (60 points), Map (120 points), a Upgrade to Premium tab (10) on the bonus tab you got. AUTOBOMBER. ago. just rename does to exalted vessels and change the divine orb in its recipe into an exalt problem solved. You will have 4 extra standard tabs and a guild stash tab for free. Get Stash GET /stash/ league > / stash_id > [/ substash_id >] league is the name of a Path of Exile league (required) stash_id is the public identifier of a stash tab (required) substash_id is the public identifier of a sub-tab with stash_id as a parent (optional) Returns: The stash object requested, including any contained items (when applicable). I just have 5 premium stash tabs, 3 for trade and two of them for simple more space. 11 –. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Check to see if it's on hardcore or not as all newly created characters are automaticly put into hardcore. Guild stash tabs are shared with all members of the guild, with view/add/remove permissions as set by the Guild Leader. This item can be acquired in the following areas: Cemetery; Grave Trough; Graveyard; Recipes. 3. more replies. In which case I don't know of that's against their terms and conditions but I guess it would be possible with some multiclient software. stash tab bundle (6 extra tabs): 110p. Shift click to unstack. 00 then this should be 69. Stack Size. We don't even have a quad stashtab and the worst thing is we can't even ctrl+click items in the stash tab guild. Nowhere near done with it. Tried 50 burials and didnt get one with the same level of juiceZizaran explains his setup for stash tabs, affinities, and all the inner workings they have. I didn't drop a single card. Meanwhile I haven’t dropped one in 4 days. 2/3 are fixed now FYI! 2 is a ghetto fix, but turn on controller support and just spam A no more mouse micro! 3 should be fixed mostly, instance crashes (in maps) are seemingly extremely rare now ever since they added permanent maps, the worst I had happen this season was my HO instance crashed but that no longer breaks your remaining portals, you just have to logout from the map and come back. The first step is of course to login with your POE account and authorize them to see the contents of your stash tabs and characters. It never clicked the way DIV did. Running these 16 with cartographer orbs and the map favourite system allows sustain of these maps, the 72 (+30 more. Drop restricted. GGG should have at least allowed the creator's card be turned into 5 divine orbs Brothers Stash. . upgrade one tab to premium: 10p. Divine Beauty. You know the simple things that the hover tells you like ilvl: or normal. The bundle is 100 points. Then poe forums if this unique is used in some builds. It's either a Wandering Path strat or it's heavy focus on certain pack adding mechanics like beyond and strongboxes. Droprates are tweaked often by GGG, I can say that I haven't found a single Brother's Stash in 268 maps and switched to Port because the card there drops a lot more regularely. Brother's Stash 5x Exalted Orb: The Fellshrine Ruins The Fellshrine Ruins Graveyard Map Cemetery Map Grave Trough Map: 64. Farming Drop Location The drop location and drop rate are random. For example the Gem Tab exclusively. Acquisition. Trying out other maps now. Payment: Visa, PayPal, Skrill, Cryptocurrencies. Yes, that is true, but GGG often adjust divination card results as needed. We are just farming a single map and adding all of the mechanics that we consider are the best for this farming: Map: Cemetery Map Because of: Brother's Gift Div Card Brother's Stash Brother's Stash 1 5x Exalted Orb Even though he found the stash just in time, He would trade it all away and then some to have him back. 10 Best Maps to Farm Glacier Tropical Island Promenade Lookout Desert Strand Burial Chambers Shore Toxic Sewer Chateau We actually have a decent mix of “straight line” and “open” layouts in this set of data. 1x Scroll Fragment Metadata. A few other very rare sources like Harvest/Tujen. PoE has tons of positive-EV subgames, the fun is often in identifying them before everyone else does. OP was the card submitter. Snowflakes666 • ☭☢ • 5 yr. You can add/remove any other important tab you want as long as you stay below the GGG imposed 15 tab limit. I was spamming T2 towers on an MF alt for a couple of weeks which did most of the grunt work. ninja for example, although you won't have to remember the ones that are drop-restricted. Or if you have access to his Steam / Path of Exile account,. They like POE, their livelihood is streaming POE, but SC is just zero challenge. 1. Last bumped on Mar 8, 2022, 7:27:28 AM. ToeAffectionate1194 • 2 yr. the person creating an instance is creating a instance on his game server. Short video today. Brother's Stash Brother's Stash 1 5x Exalted Orb Even though he found the stash just in time, He would trade it all away and then some to have him back. 6. Brother's Gift15x Divine OrbDivine OrbStack Size: 10Randomises the numeric values of the random modifiers on an itemRight click this item then left click a magic, rare or unique item to apply it. I always found encumbrance annoying, myself, though I'm also the type of player who tries to pick up everything that isn't nailed down. Here I am feeling good with my brothers stash card and 2 raw exalts drop from cemetery lol Reply. Reply onikzin Betrayal • Additional comment actions. Currency is 60 points, upgrade to premium is 10 points, Map tab is 120. 10x Exalted Orb: Manual: 5#pathofexile #crucible #poe Welcome to 3. 586K subscribers in the pathofexile community. Some. Quad. 15. A Dusty Memory. i did put it in a folder sometime ago but it seems like its been hidden or something. PSA - Moving Stash tabs REALLY FAST. i averaged 1 brothers stash in 14 maps when i mfed early league, no way in hell was i averaging that in doctor cards in burial chambers. The stash is located in each of the game's towns as well as in hideouts. They are stackable, tradeable items that take up 1x1 inventory space. Poe has many different tabs of stash for gems / currency/ whatever side items exist. Otherwise, use ~b/o. 2. - Boss is extremely difficult if you are boss rushing. Heists are missions that can be accessed using a Contract at The Rogue Harbour. 21 Best Maps To Farm For Div Cards . 10 Brother's Stash. Guild Character: + We create so that some part. 250% more Divination Cards found in Area. . 12; Icefang Orbit PoE Price & Build – Iron Ring; PoE Currency Guide PS4, Xbox One 2020;Every PoE player should watch a rue stream at least once in his career - always great fun, great memes, and mostly you even learn something about the game on top o that. will you have your/guilds "stash tabs" in poe 2 or will you have to rebuy everything? Hi there, Drikon! Your microtransactions will be available when you are playing Path of Exile 2! There is more information here: ExileCon 2019 Day 1 - Path of Exile 2 Announcement. Brother's Stash. For example when sextants were changed, GGG would adjust the divination card accordingly. T hree or four days before end of each league empty at least 1 stash tab to store “league gear” there. To create a new stash tab folder, navigate to the tab you'd like to put in the folder then click the 'folder' icon. 100+ tabs and all the new specialized tabs + quad tabs appear at the end. . 5-1. 10 Brother's Stash. Come hang on Twitch! Twitch: Twitter: 0:00 - Intro0:47 - Setup: Overview1:13 - Setup: Ma. Outcome Amount Divination Card 5x Divine Orb 1 Brother’s Gift Flavour Text: Even though his flame has burned out, he will never fade away. Ended up with 15 Brother’s Gift and 9 Brother’s Stash in around 140 Maps. Explore Divination Cards prices in the Ancestor league. PoE Scourge is one of the most hyped updates we’ve seen a good while, and I have to say it is absolutely fantastic so far! The game is available to download for free on PC, Xbox One (XB1) and PlayStation 4 (PS4). 3. Friend got immortal card (makes a house of mirror), seven years of back luck, 2x nurses, 4 patientsborkenschnorke • 3 yr. just got a double drop from div strongbox. Just a quick note to all my fello exiles: Unicode is supported in your premium stash tabs, just copy paste whatever symbol you want there and lighten up your tabs ;) especially helpfull now when a new legue starts -> super short tabs for great overview[PSA] You can search for links in your stash X-X-X-. Poe is buy to play with an insanely long demo version. Brother's Stash, Brother's Stash . It may not be one to one, but you'll at least see what main skill people use with these items and how best to build such a character in terms of tree, Ascendancy, gear, and jewels. The Doctor x 3. ago. "+1. The current state of Melee Bleed builds dates back to changes made in POE 3. Action role-playing game Hack and slash Role-playing video game Action game. 531K subscribers in the pathofexile community. And if you are planning to play the end game content for a significant time, you should get currency and map tabs and at least 1 premium tab to sell stuff in game. Our PoE 3. This system was literally designed for humans like me! The stash tab affinity system, meanwhile, it more akin to an automatic sorter for items you’re dropping in your bin. That old Rampage post says he found 200 chaos total. I teased in a recent video the idea of running 500 Cemetery maps to better solidify the drop rate of the Brother's Stash for others to see. While it may not replace the Brother Stash, it presents an exciting opportunity for players to farm divines depending on its drop location. Browse all. tv/spicysushi_poeprofile: rogueonemy pob (20% farm): pob: delirious pob: subscribers in the pathofexile community. 4: Chaos and Glassblowers recipe items. Having to decide if you want to spend 40-60 on game to be able to play if after having played for 20-30 hours is a better deal then any other game out there. An example is I enjoy shrines, , quant. 1. Stash tabs are a HUGE QoL convenience like in Diablo 4 for when you're at the end game and want to experiment with lots of things. For more information, please visit - dump tab (so I don't have to stop and vendor during split dom runs or master rotations) <73 - Maps equal to or less than level 73. See my brother was the type of person that didn’t have much but he would always give to others even though he probably needed it more. . 伯仲財庫 - Brother's Stash - 物品 - POE流亡黯道透視鏡 透視鏡網站與「T客邦」多年合作已在近期畫下句點,未來透視鏡將回歸原有網址 gametsg. Area restrictions. 5. It then occurred to me that I should try using Unicode symbols in an attempt to keep the stash tab names as short as possible. Discussion about Path of Exile, a free ARPG made by Grinding Gear GamesStarted with a maurader but the stash was empty. I try to keep my tabs sorted by how much I use them, and I use a very strict loot filter of my own design. This doesnt seem very safe as they can ban you for using mules. In std that was dumb imo, but if it was in the league its a good price. Some stash tabs are able to store any (non-quest) Path of Exile item, but others are more specialized. 資料參考國際板 wiki 與熱心網友提供,有任何資訊想補充 也可按此提供給我們. i averaged 1 brothers stash in 14 maps when i mfed early league, no way in hell was i averaging that in doctor cards in burial chambers. MediocreEnergy3734. POE let me buy a hozjillion stash tabs with search and rules to auto-sort by tab; fate gave me separate personal and shared stashes in 2005. These maps are free and do not spend the maps in your stash. The sale is currently on, $20 on the FB bundle nets you a Stash tab + 200 points. Farming Div Card Question. You can move a single stash tab about 100 positions in ~4-5 seconds. PoE is one of very few games that get consistent significant content updates several times per year. The Demon x 3. 15 that ultimately led to the demise of the archetype: Bleed Slams. For the specific question of the relative drop rates for the 2 different brothers cards, we would need a word from GGG, or collect a big dataset (preferably a few hundred of those 2 cards dropped). 68:. If you are not already using it, get PoE Trade Macro. Select tabs or index your entire stash, PoeStack will keep track of all your items combined with our pricing data we'll help you find value. 0. Although, this maybe is a move to hype around and make a positive vibe - nonetheless, this game is great and shit people can't make a good game Add a Comment. About This Practice. When Darkee is beating all the bosses on pretty much day 1 of HC SSF Gauntlet, what are these guys really supposed to play at this point. Unique Boss drops (10-15) additional Rare <Item Class>: The <Item Class> placeholder is replaced by one of 24 possible item classes, chosen randomly: Amulets, belts, body armours, boots, bows, claws, daggers, rune daggers, gloves, helmets, one-handed axes, one-handed maces, one-handed swords. ago. 3. While I now know where it hard drops, I intend to target farm it, but last league in heist, I opened up a few stacked decks 3 days into the league and I got Brothers Stash. ago. 1. Specialized Stash Tabs. By default, the stash has four tabs. Omniscience fire. So I wanted to memorialize him in the game. If you have 4 stash premium stash tab, use this one. I've never actually seen one in game until recently when one dropped, so this is the first time I've ever read the text. Stacked Deck: random divination card A Stacked Deck is a currency. The best solution for you is probably to just not use affinities for maps. I have not played PoE for about 2 months but I got my 40 challenges back in november/early dec and I dont remember this particular challenge being that bad. Wigned ambush scarab. Login with your method or platform of choice, and accept that PoeStack can access your: Account name and identifier. " will find 5 or more linked sockets. Path of Exile is a free online-only action RPG under development by Grinding Gear Games in New Zealand. ago. You choose a list of weighting based on the character class, and then it looks at all the mods and tiers and gives it a number rating. With POE, literally any time you're not clicking, that's time you could be spending killing monsters. Brother's Stash. ToeAffectionate1194 • 2 yr. PC I think, but yes. For example, the stash uses less than half the screen. i dropped a few things that made a profit like a brothers stash, but ultimately i decided it wasnt worth it. Brother's Stash. The target item will always be a single artifact that players may exchange with Faustus for Rogue's Markers, therefore Heist Contracts are. PoE Procurement doesn't work anymore (cloudflare error), Stashy crashes my Chrome, and I don't know for any other. This time I got my expected 6 Brother's Stashes in 100 maps, and didn't get anything else particul. - Can not run Delirium Mirror as no matter what you do, the fog will run out halfway through. Tomorrow is the Balance Manifesto, the day that has Assassin and Necromancer players quavering in fear. Brothers. 11; Broadside PoE; Brother’s Stash Divination Card PoE – Exalted Orb Heist 3. Acquisition /1 ⍟. That wouldn't work as you would already be logged in. Tonight, I logged in to my Betrayal SSF character, without migrating him, and then. He also explains which tabs you should prioritize if you're new. Samuel Johnson Poe, Class of 1884, who played halfback in 1882–83; Edgar Allan Poe, Class of 1891, who was an All-American quarterback in 1887–90 and captained the team in his junior and senior years; John Prentiss Poe, Jr. Brother's Gift Brother's Gift 1 5x Divine Orb Even though his flame has burned out, he will never fade away. And as I dropped this card, I had the same. GGG builds a ton of variance into everything in PoE specifically to make things hard to solve. Below are some of the links with already available information, if I missed any, please add more and share what you know; favorite expressions, how you understand the PoE regex formatting to be. Currency tab is a must have. Edit: small update. W33DM4573R • Slayer • 2 yr. Buy PoE Currency Cheap. Extra Stash Tab. Nicockolas_Rage • 3 yr. Brother's Stash. 0. Auspicious Ambitions. I realize it needs to make room for the player's character inventory, but there's still so much screen space not used when the stash is open. At the end of the league, all you league stash tabs will be added to standard as Remove-only Tabs. Your map device will open a special set of portals to the Conqueror’s citadel. Everything you bought will carry over to PoE 2. 17. The Fiend x 2. trust me 40 coins for gem tab where you can sort gems by level and quality and have 4 normal stash tabs worth of space is totally worth. Deonix. 1x Brother’s Stash = 5x Exalted Orb. On the web site (here) you have to go to the following -->. it seems they don't want casual players dabbling with high-end crafting. Using the nodes in the top right for sites you can get crazy pack size on juicy maps, with cemetery you can drop brothers stash for 5ex. Managed to pull a brothers stash from a stacked deck and everything. Not to be confused with Brother's Stash. Early on use it to organise a column of rares or inf rares for chaos/ exalt receipe! It really depends on what you already have. GGG tends to swap things around from patch to patch. Path of Exile. That’s why I like it. Brother's Stash Card and my appreciation, thank you I have a twin brother, we always play Path of Exile together (if HCSSF, then we just talk in discord and have. we have ctrl+click to move single item to trade/stash but it would reall QoL improvement if we could have way to transfer all item of same kind (i'm talking currency of course) from inventory to trade/stash , for example using alt+ click. ↖ Map Stash Tab. I remember reading the story about the guy who designed the Brother's Stash divination card, and it was one of the coolest things ever. In permanent leagues, an existing Marshes Map can be used in the Map Device, but it cannot be influenced by the Eldritch Horrors or witnessed by The Maven. 21 Top 5 Meta Crucible Builds - Why the Meta Has. Five sets (96 maps), 480 maps in total with Polished Div Scarab. Last bumped on Sep 13, 2020, 10:46:56 PM. A major surprise is the 10 Abandon Wealth that I got in the last 4,616 cards I opened. The. Careful about doing anything mapping in Cemetery. Coins are 50k to 1 ex, 70+ contracts are 3c each in bulk and blueprints are anywhere from 10-20c depending, and 1-2ex if they're fully revealed. Fully juiced 80% deli conq maps though. Alivia's Grace. Send support an e-mail. • 6 yr. Brother's Stash has restrictions on where or how it can drop. Brother's Stash. Talk to Kirac in your hideout to locate the Conqueror, then talk to Zana and select “Travel to [Conqueror’s] Citadel”. worst tabs delirium, metamorph, blight and uniques (for most people). 匕首 單手劍 單手斧 單手錘 權杖 法杖 爪. There are many ways to speed up mapping and all of them expect stash tabs are free solutions that exist the game. Despite them selling well, many players had concerns about the direction of how our tabs are going in the future. 22 Krangled Passives Atlas Tree & Mapping Stragety Guide. Wiki wiki. (got enligten though) Even though he found the stash just in time, He would trade it all away and then some to have him back. format, where X is R,G,B,W for color, e. 1 Premium tab is enough to sell to begin with. 21 Best Budget Cemetery Farming Strategy (Map, Mechanics, Atlas Setup). The problem is that you need to click more often in hideout managing the inventory than in maps. Acquisition. - Contains Apothecary, Enlightened, Seven Years Bad Luck, Innocent, and Lachrymal Necrosis. I think there was a kind of semi-illegal macro somewhere on reddit, I've made my own to just click drop-down menu with 1 macro, then manually typing stash tab. Really goes to show in modern PoE we should be optimizing the gain per hour invested or gain per investment. The Stash Tab sale ends at Mar 13, 2023 8:00 PM (EDT) (this is displayed in your local time). Additionally, for live build/POE discussion and question answers, feel free to ask in the various question channels on the Path Of Exile Discord!. CptQ. 21 Challenge Guide - Best Methods To Complete Each Crucible Challenge Faster & Easier. LocalShineCrab poe. Five sets (96 maps), 480 maps in total with Polished Div Scarab. Pretty sure it doesn't exist. You can transfer items between your friends anytime you. Between the Supply and Demand of exalts the price would stabilize from 90 to 180 chaos. I haven't seen a single brother's stash so far. Graveyard Map - Brother's Stash; Hall of Grandmasters - The Immortal; The Alluring Abyss (Uber Atziri) - House of Mirrors; Be aware that these Drop Locations are not set in stone. Although, I have 1 request, an ability to turn on/off stash tab scrolling. Hey you know what 2 leagues ago I dropped Brother's Stash in a low level map on day 3 and it kickstarted my whole league start And in Sentinel I dropped two Brother's Stash from a strongbox thanks to the atlas passive This card fucking rocks and it'll always be part of the most memorable experiences of my poe adventures. Also, the brother's stash drop rate, was, border line breaking the economy. It was offered for an astronomical price of 10,000 Exalted Orbs for the original item, while mirrored copies were sold for 360-380 Exalted Orbs . Today we released some new types of Stash Tabs. Brother's Stash Drop Locations (Maps) & Rates. Hi - this league I wanted to try to farm div cards. 68: Cursed Words Cursed Words 13 Maw of Mischief If you look hard enough for hidden meaning, you will find it. ninja is not affiliated with or endorsed by Grinding Gear Games. Stash Tab Viewer - new website! Hey! I made a website where you can view stash tabs! Lookup by either account name or character name, see a list of stash tabs, take a look at items in those stash tabs: I was indexing the data for a machine learning project and figured it would be fun to display some of the data. 1. Brother's Gift. 20 added 10 new Divination Cards, 5 of which were designed by our supporters, with 5 designed by winners of Boss Kill Events. Wich is considered RMT. Really goes to show in modern PoE we should be optimizing the gain per hour invested or gain per investment. Area restrictions. I think still the stash tabs are always discounted the same amountPoE is like doing calculus after smoking hash. I go over how I farmed 15 Brother's Gift in Cemetery and why Abyss with 2 Projectiles is insane. Just so people don't freak out - this is just a visual bug, OP is not printing exalts. Toxic Sewer is really good because it benefits from this increased density, without having an obnoxious indoor layout such as Dungeon.